모바일 메뉴 열기

모바일 메뉴 닫기


1. Agriculture

Since the majority of the absolute poor in developing countries are distributed in rural areas, the SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals) cannot be achieved without rural development.

IPAID’s efforts and strategy to achieve rural development by ODA projects and transfer knowledge and know-how related to rural development based on our successful rural development experience in the 1970s.

   Key Projects

- Agricultural Productivity and Market Accessibility Enhancement Project PMC Service in Rwanda

- Inclusive Rural Development Program PC Service in Tuyen Quang Province, Vietnam

2. Community Development

For UN SDGs governance, decentralized implementation structure of regional sustainable development, local community must improve the quality of life by pursuing social, economic, and environmental sustainability through a local government-led implementation road map.

IPAID’s efforts and strategy to find and realize SDGs localization for the conditions of region emphasizes leading various community-based development cooperation activities.

   Key Projects

- Saemaul Movement Project in Amhara, Ethiopia

3. Capacity Building

Capacity Building promotes developing countries to present the vision of national development strategies in each countries.

IPAID’s efforts and strategy to achieve the goals emphasizes training and education programs for human resource development are continuously being conducted to pass on the experiences of economic and national development to public officials or regional innovators in developing countries.

   Key Projects

- Monitoring and Evaluation Capability Reinforcement Training Project in Cambodia

- Civil Service Administrative Development Training Course in Rwanda

4. Global Health

For establishing the foundation of economic growth, we support health promotion and health care improvement in developing countries.

IPAID's efforts and strategies to block the vicious cycle of poverty-disease emphasize projects, education, and training programs as they are continuously provided.

   Key Projects

- Promotion of maternal and child health and regional development projects in Oromia, Ethiopia

- Health Care Environment Improvement Project PMC Service in Tika Pool, Nepal

5. Energy, Environment and Climate Change

It has strengthened cooperation in the domestic renewable energy and environment sectors to transform into a global low-carbon, clean, and sustainable energy society, and continues to contribute to the sustainable development of developing countries while solving the global problem of energy and environmental protection through accumulated technology transfer.

Frequent natural disasters in developing countries hinder national capacity for economic development, and result in high poverty rates and lack of financial capacity. IPAID’s efforts and strategoes pf expansion of ODA in the green field are being pursued to improve the crisis and adverse effects of climate change.

   Key Projects

- Vietnam University of Natural Resources and Environment, and Climate Change and Sustainable Development Education Capacity Reinforcement Project

6. Living Lab and Social Innovation

It supports various activities that contribute to improving the quality of life for local residents and citizens by establishing and realizing a virtuous cycle of sustainable system to create social shared values based on data, experience, knowledge, and network accumulated through local communities.
