모바일 메뉴 닫기

Faculty&Research 교수&연구

한유성 (Han, You Sueng)

한유성 (Han, You Sueng) 교수

글로벌행정학과 부교수 / 공공기관인재연계전공책임
정의관 404호
행정학 박사 (Indiana University-Bloomington)


현재, 연세대학교 글로벌창의융합대학 글로벌행정학과 부교수       

전공분야: 공공관리, 거버넌스
연구관심주제: 행정책임과 (협력적)거버넌스, (대표)관료제, 인적자원관리와 지속가능경영
미국 서던캘리포니아대학교 박사후 연구원 (Price School of Public Policy, University of Southern California, USA, 2018-2019)
미국 인디애나대학교 행정학박사(O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University at Bloomington, USA, 2018)
미국 애리조나주립대학교 정책학 석사, 2010
연세대학교 행정학 석사, 2007
연세대학교 신학/행정학사, 2004 

학부전공: 행정관리론,  반부패·윤리·거버넌스, 지방행정론
일반대학원: Public Personnel Administration, Method of Public Administration, Public Management and Leadership, Local Administration
정경대학원: 행정관리자론, 자치행정론
K-MOOC: 공직사회 반부패 원리 및 방안, 지방자치단체와 시민

연세대학교 BK Plus, 4단계 참여교수 (~현재)
정경대학 융합연구 연구책임자 (~2022)
한국연구재단 신진연구자지원사업 연구책임자 (~2024)
글로벌창의융합대학 성장연구 연구책임자(2024~)


공동연구원, 정부의 질과 거버넌스의 다양성 연구단, Social Science Korea (SSK), 고려대학교 (~현재)   
논문심사: Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Public Administration Review, Public Management Review, International Public Management Journal, Review of Public Personnel Administration, Public Administration, Administration & Society, Perspectives on Public Management & Governance
Best Paper Proceeding, Public and Nonprofit Management Division, Academy of Management (AOM) Meetings (2020)
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory Top Reviewer Award, Academy of Management (AOM) Meetings (2019)
Wallace O. Keene Scholarship, American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) conference (2017)
Asian Junior Scholar Paper Competition Award, ASPA Conference (2016)
International Young Scholar elected by ASPA in Public Policy and Administration Research (2016)
Fellow for Institute for Qualitative and Multi-Method Research, Syracuse University, New York (2014)
Pi Alpha Alpha, National Honor Society of Public Affairs and Administration (2010)
공무원 시험출제, 채용·면접위원

강원특별자치도 지속가능발전협의회
강원도의회 자문위원회
강원지방우정청 고충심사위원회
지방환경청 보통징계위원회
원주시 정보공개심의회
도로교통공단 청렴옴부즈만 
한국광해광업공단 윤리경영위원회 
건강보험공단 민원조정위원회


<학술지 논문>
-Nuwagaba, Oscar & 한유성. (2024). Advancing Social Entrepreneurship? Perceived Social Impact of Savings and Credit Co-Operative Societies (SACCOs) in Uganda. 인문사회과학연구, 67(3): 99-120.
-Han, Yousueng, Narayan Aryal, & Kwangseon Hwang (2024) Local Governmentsʼ Accountability and Public Trust in Nepal: Does Participation Make a Difference? Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, e387. 
-Han, Yousueng (2024) "Message-Sidedness in Performance Information Disclosure and Citizens' Perceived Accountability: An Experimental Study", Public Management Review (최고권위지) 
-한유성, Abdullah, A, & Hwang, K. (2023). Transformational Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Egypt: Roles of Organizational Commitment, Public Service Motivation, and Organizational Justice. Journal of Policy Studies, 38(4), 23–39.
-엄태진 & 한유성 (2023) 리더-구성원 교환관계(LMX)로 본 인적오류의 직무스트레스에 대한 영향: 국방부 항공정비사 사례. 사회과학연구, 62(2), 103-135.
-한유성 (2023). 정부관료제 책무성의 다양성: 분석모형 개발과 활용방안. 정부학연구, 29(1): 105~134
-황광선, 한유성 (2022) 공공기관 조직 내 갈등 구조 분석: 과학기술 공공연구조직에서의 연구-행정 갈등 사례. 공공정책연구. 39(2): 301~333
-한유성,백소연,한상일 (2022). 민간기업과 공공기관의 지속가능성 연구의 체계적 문헌고찰. 대한경영학회지. 35(7): 1365~1395
-박종민, 한유성, 김공록 (2022). 공무원 충원방식과 조직 및 공직 몰입. 정부학연구. 28(1): 153~183
-Han, Yousueng & Tang, Shui-Yan (2022) How quality reporting reduces accountability deficit and overload, Public Management Review, 24(12): 2079-2100(최고권위지)
-한유성 & 박종민. (2021). 인사제도 수용성의 공직자책무성 영향: 공직몰입의 조절효과. 한국인사행정학회보. 20(2), 27-56.
-Han, Yousueng & Robertson, Peter J. (2021) “Public Employee Accountability: An Empirical Examination of a Nomological Network.” Public Performance & Management Review. 44(3): 494-522
-Han, Yousueng & Perry, James L. (2020) “Conceptual Bases of Employee Accountability: A Psychological Approach.” Perspectives on Public Management and Governance. 3(4):288-304   
-Han, Yousueng (2020). “The Impact of Accountability Deficit on Agency Performance: Performance-Accountability Regime.” Public Management Review. 22(6):927-948 (최고권위지)
-Han, Yousueng & Perry, James L. (2020) “Employee Accountability: Development of a Multidimensional Scale.” International Public Management Journal. 23(2):224-251 
-Hwang, Kwangseon & Han, Yousueng (2020). “Exploring the Sources of Cognitive Gap between Accountability and Performance.” Public Personnel Management. 49(3):393–420 
-Suzuki, Kohei & Han, Yousueng. (2019). “Does Citizen Participation Affect Municipal Performance? - Electoral Competition and Fiscal Performance in Japan.” Public Money & Management 39(4):300-309 
-Han, Yousueng & Hong, Sounman. (2019). “The Impact of Accountability on Organizational Performance in the US Federal Government: Moderating Role of Autonomy.” Review of Public Personnel Administration 39(1):3-23 
-Han, Yousueng. (2018). “Is Public Service Motivation Changeable? Integrative Modeling with Goal Setting Theory.” International Journal of Public Administration, 41(3):216-225
-Hwang, Kwangseon & Han, Yousueng. (2017). “Public Caseworkers’ Strategies Coping with Accountability Demands.” Journal of Public Affairs, 17(4):1-8

<저서 & 북챕터 논문>
-Han, Yousueng. (2023).  “The contribution of evaluation to accountability mechanisms.” in Handbook of Public Policy Evaluation. 104-115
-Civil Service Systems in East and Southeast Asia (2022), Routledge Edited By Chong-Min Park, Yousueng Han, Yongjin Chang
-김판석, 최무현, 한유성 (2021). 인사행정론. 법문사
-Han, Yousueng & Demircioglu, Mehmet. (2016). “Accountability, Politics, and Power.” In Global Encyclopedia of Public Policy, Public Administration, and Governance. Ali Farazmand (Ed). Springer.