- [논문] Promoting Diversity in the Nepalese Public Sector: Focused on the Anti-Discrimination of Sexual Minorities
- 저자 : Pramod K.C.(석.박사 통합과정 2학기), 김판석(교수) 출간연도 : 2016 제목 : Promoting Diversity in the Nepalese Public Sector: Focused on the Anti-Discrimination of Sexual Minorities 학술지명(상세정보) : 아시아연구, 19(2): 1-26 초록 : Race and gender, ethnicity and disability are all social problems related to diversity. And sexual orientation is being raised as a hot issue around the world. Public sector organizations are very slow in adopting such changes as the law of anti-discrimination law enacted for addressing the alienation issues that many of minority groups face. The management of human resources needs some effective strategies to meet the rights of sexual minorities who have been excluded from society for a very long time. The sexual minorities of Nepal are not much different as an isolated group in that many of whom are living at or below the poverty line. The government policy for the law enforcement of anti-discrimination hence should be urgently carried out in order for them to enjoy their basic rights without bias. The Nepalese Constitution was amended in 2015, protecting the human rights substantial to sexual minorities. Through analyzing the current status of sexual minorities in Nepal, this paper proposes that the Nepalese public sector provides them fine jobs, whereby becoming a desirable model for the private sectors in creating a variety of work opportunities and employments for them. Key Words : Diversity, Sexual Minority, Anti-Discrimination, Equal Employment Opportunity, Nepal
- 관리자 2017.06.02
- [논문] Factors affecting the household food security in Dodoma Municipal, Tanzania
- 저자 : Ladigracia Lyakurwa(박사과정 2학기), 배득종(교수) 출간연도 : 2016 제목 : Factors affecting the household food security in Dodoma Municipal, Tanzania 학술지명(상세정보) : 지역발전연구, 25(특별): 185-207 초록 : Ninety six households were randomly selected for a cross sectional survey from September to October in 2014 in Dodoma municipal, Tanzania. The survey collected information on socioeconomic and farming characteristics of the sample households to find out the main determinants of household food security (HFS). We adopted the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) developed by the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA). We investigated whether households have experienced problems in accessing food for the last 30 days. Given the Likert scale, the households were asked to evaluate the role of municipal council’s activities related to food security such as land use policies and activities related to extension, farm input, clean water, sanitation, and marketing services. Our findings show that household incomes, educational level, land ownership, and landholding size are significantly related to the household food security. About 40% of the households often worry about food supply, 5% sleeps feeling hungry and 3% goes a whole day and night without eating food. Most households had positive views on water and sanitation services; however the services have been made possible because of assistance from international organizations. The households appeared to consider agricultural input services the most important factor affecting their food security, but had the least satisfaction on the role of Dodoma municipal in providing agricultural input services. It suggests that increasing the agricultural input services might enhance the HFS in Dodoma municipal. Keywords: Tanzania, Dodoma, food security, household perceptions, government interventions
- 관리자 2017.06.02
- [논문] A Government that Worked Better and Cost Less? Evaluating Three Decades of Reform and Change in UK Central Government by Christopher Hood and Ruth Dixon
- 저자 : 김판석(교수) 출간연도 : 2016 제목 : A Government that Worked Better and Cost Less? Evaluating Three Decades of Reform and Change in UK Central Government by Christopher Hood and Ruth Dixon 학술지명(상세정보) : Governance, 29(1): 143-147
- 관리자 2017.06.02
- [논문] Participative Management and Perceived Organizational Performance: The Moderating Effects of Innovative Organizational Culture
- 저자 : 김판석(교수) 출간연도 : 2015 제목 : Participative Management and Perceived Organizational Performance: The Moderating Effects of Innovative Organizational Culture 학술지명(상세정보) : Public Performance & Management Review, 39(2): 316-336 초록 : Participative management and innovation are major themes of recent organizational reforms in the United States and other countries. Using a South Korean version of the Organizational Assessment Survey of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, this study assesses how participative management and innovative culture are associated with public employees’ perceived organizational performance in the South Korean central government. The study finds that both are positively related to perceived organizational performance, but that the relationship between participative management and perceived organizational performance (i.e., internal efficiency) is moderated by employees’ perceptions of the organization’s innovative culture. Specifically, participative management has weaker effects on internal efficiency in high-innovation cultures than in low-innovation cultures. Key words: innovative culture, organizational performance, participative management, South Korea
- 관리자 2017.06.02
- [저서] Democratic Governance, Public Administration and Poverty Alleviation: Thematic Discourse and Geographical Cases
- 저자 : 김판석(교수) 출간연도 : 2015 제목 : Democratic Governance, Public Administration and Poverty Alleviation: Thematic Discourse and Geographical Cases 소개 : 유엔(UN)과 경제개발협력기구(OECD) 등에서 오랫동안 근무하며 개발도상국들의 정치행정과 경제사회 발전 등을 도모한 Demetrios Argyriades박사와 김판석 교수(연세대학교 정경대학 행정학전공)가 공동으로 2015년에 벨기에 브루셀의 Bruylant Publishing Company에 의해 출간한 영문편저이다. 이는 김판석교수가 벨기에 브루셀에 본부를 둔 세계행정학회(IIAS)에서 2010년부터 2013년까지 회장으로 활동하면서 국제적 이슈를 중심으로 연구모임을 만들어 엮어낸 결과물 중의 하나이다. 지속가능개발목표(Sustainable Development Goals: SDGs)는 경제발전과 환경보전 그리고 사회발전 등의 합목적적 발전을 위한 개념으로, 새천년개발계획(Millenium Development Goals: MDGs)에 이어 유엔에서 2015년 9월에 새롭게 제창한 국제개발협력의 목표로 향후 15년간에 걸쳐 빈곤과 기아 등 17가지의 핵심 분야에서 2030년까지 완수할 목표들이다. 이러한 시대적 흐름에 부응하여 공공분야에서 민주적 거버넌스를 구축하며, 극심한 빈곤 등 사회적 문제를 제거하고 효과적인 행정서비스를 제고하기 위한 차원에서 세계 각지의 대표적 행정 전문가들이 대륙별로 골고루 참여하여 2015년 말에 영문편저를 출간한 것이다. 극심한 빈곤과 같은 사회경제적 문제를 유엔이 목표로 하는 기한 내에 과연 해소할 수 있을까? 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위한 바람직한 거버넌스와 행정체제와 전략은 무엇인가? 이상과 같은 많은 질문들을 가지고, 유엔의 경제사회 및 행정관련 기관은 물론 아프리카, 동남아시아, 동아시아, 중남미, 동유럽, 구미 등의 핵심적인 전문가들이 골고루 참여하여 지속가능개발목표를 실현할 수 있는 담론과 정책방안 등을 이 책에 담고 있다.
- 관리자 2017.06.02
- [논문] Patronage Driven Corruption Undermining the Fight against Poverty in Uganda
- 저자 : Mbabazi Godfrey(박사) 출간연도 : 2015 제목 : Patronage Driven Corruption Undermining the Fight against Poverty in Uganda 학술지명(상세정보) : African Social Science Review, 7(1): 54-70 초록 : Uganda has been a den of corruption for a long time, a “disease” that has eaten up the entire society. Surprisingly or not, the Ugandan political machine has ensured that this practice thrives to benefit its interests at the expense of the majority poor. This study reveals that Uganda’s patronage and corruption quandary emanated from the British Colonial administrative system which was based on using a section of local people to rule over the rest and consequently rewarded them for supporting their policies and interests. With the intentioned absence of democratic rule, institutions that could condemn, exert public control and demand accountability from public officials never developed. As a result, evidence shows that despite Uganda’s strong anti-corruption framework, patronage and corruption have continued to thrive largely due to the failure of anti-corruption institutions to enforce the anti-corruption framework making the fight against corruption a losing battle. Keywords: Colonial legacy, patronage, weak institutions, corruption, poverty [저서] Democratic Governance, Public Administration and Poverty Alleviation: The.. [논문] The Size of SSE (Social and Solidarity Economy) and Income Distribution i..
- 관리자 2017.06.02
- [논문] The Size of SSE (Social and Solidarity Economy) and Income Distribution in the European Union: Implications for Developing Countries
- 저자 : John Nunya Agbemenu(박사과정 7학기) 출간연도 : 2015 제목 : The Size of SSE (Social and Solidarity Economy) and Income Distribution in the European Union: Implications for Developing Countries 학술지명(상세정보) : 지역발전연구, 24(1): 267-281 초록 : The focus of this paper is to find some empirical evidence that an increase in the size of SSE actually contributes to the national economy in terms of income distribution. This task is confronted with some challenges. One is that we do not have a reliable statistical measurement capturing the size of SSE. This happens in part due to the delicate and rather slippery concept of SSE, but also the lack of concern and methodology on the part of member countries. EESC (2012) was an exceptional source for the research since it reports the relevant data needed for the analysis. This report was the starting point of our research. An interesting observation from our empirical research is that in a cross-sectional analysis, we find strong negative correlation between the size of SSE and bad income distribution, especially when we use volunteers as a proxy for the size of SSE. In the case of cooperative employment, the result is not clear enough. Another candidate for a proxy, the ratio of total employment in SSE, has consistently shown the positive correlation. One major implication is that socio-economic factors surrounding the economy may be more important for an expansion of SSE than deliberate policies directed for an increase in the size of the sector; SSE may be responding to bad income distribution. This means that people are motivated to participate in SSE movement under some circumstances imposing unfavorable consequences. Another implication is that volunteerism may be a very good sign for an improvement in income distribution. Policies toward SSE sector may be more productive when there is a need among people to participate, i.e., under unfavorable socio-economic circumstances. To find an empirical evidence for the reasoning is in the realm of our future research. Key Words: SSE, Income Distribution, Positive Correlation, EU
- 관리자 2017.06.02
- 논문] Social Entrepreneurship and Community Engagement: How They Cooperate to Actuate Rural Society in Indonesia?
- 저자 : Saiful Islam (박사) 출간연도 : 2015 제목 : Social Entrepreneurship and Community Engagement: How They Cooperate to Actuate Rural Society in Indonesia? 학술지명(상세정보) : 창조와 혁신, 8(2): 77-102 초록 : In social economy perspective, community engagement is the major characteristic of the program which distinguishes it with other approach of development. The study will focus on social entrepreneurship role to drive community engagement which is anticipated as a major determinant of successful social economy development. The aim of study is to examine the role of social entrepreneurship on social economy development which has to synchronize both social and economic aims, by taking a setting on the rural area that has specific problem and potential. The study employs he qualitative research methodology. Two case study of social economy initiative in Indonesia which attributing community engagement would be investigated. The first case is the Labuhan Ratu Enam Village (LRE) which focus on empowerment for all segment of community comprise male, female, youth and kids with various sectors and activities. The LRE case provides fruitful example how to create alternative job provision which previously their young people prefer to go abroad as blue color migrant worker, and how to anticipate social effect in the society as consequence of being migrant worker supplier. The second case is the Kembang Arum Village (KA). KA has cultural and potential natural resources that successfully being promoted as a rural tourism destination by innovative social entrepreneurship. Under KA model of rural tourism, the major subject is their community, without losing their land asset and cultural identity as occurred common in many cases on tourism business where local people obtain limited benefit due to lack of involvement. The results of study suggest that successful social enterprise which has social and economic aims will be significantly determined by the existence of social entrepreneurship which lead the initiative, share the innovation, empower the community and encourage them to participating. Key Words: Social entrepreneurship, Community engagement, Rural tourism, Rural migrant worker
- 관리자 2017.06.02
- [논문] Promoting gender equalities from a capability perspective: The role of social policy in the context of developing countries
- 저자 : 정무권(교수) 출간연도 : 2015 제목 : Promoting gender equalities from a capability perspective: The role of social policy in the context of developing countries 학술지명(상세정보) : International Review of Public Administration, 20(2): 135-162 초록 : Gender equality has recently emerged as an important institutional factor for development, and its focus is moving from the improvement of women’s economic status to capability expansion. In this regard, it has been claimed that social policy is a main instrument for enhancing gender equality in developing countries as much as in developed ones; in particular, spending on education and health is more effective than the traditional social protection, mainly cash transfer for income protection. In this context, this paper attempts to test which policy option can improve gender equality in the context of developing countries. For this, we conducted a regression analysis to investigate the role of social policy in narrowing the gender divide in 75 developing countries. The results show, contrary to common assumption, that social protection policies focusing on income protection are significantly effective to reduce the gender gap from a capability perspective, as opposed to policies of spending on public services such as health and education. However, integrated policies in both areas have greater impact on decreasing gender inequality than a single-policy fix. Keywords: social policy; gender inequality; capability approach; developing countries
- 관리자 2017.06.02
- [논문] Assessing the effects of learning organization characteristics in Korean non-profit organizations: Focusing on the association with perceived financial performance and employee satisfaction
- 저자: 한상일(교수) 출간연도 : 2015 제목 : Assessing the effects of learning organization characteristics in Korean non-profit organizations: Focusing on the association with perceived financial performance and employee satisfaction 학술지명(상세정보) : International Review of Public Administration, 20(2): 177-193 초록 : During the last decade in Korea, non-profit organizations (NPO) have shown incredible growth in both their number and size due to the development of civil society and government-subsidizing policies. Most registered NPOs are subsidized by the government but their learning capacities and financial performance in meeting new social needs in an innovative manner is somewhat limited and even less sustainable. In this article, the authors assume that the learning organization characteristics of NPOs influence their levels of performance and employee satisfaction. An analytical framework that enables a better understanding of the relationship between learning organization and perceived financial performance is proposed. On the basis of the proposed framework, the hypothesis that the learning organization characteristics improve the financial performance of NPOs is empirically tested. The analysis results confirmed that the learning organization characteristics enhance financial performance and employee satisfaction. Keywords: learning organization; perceived financial performance; employee satisfaction; non-profit organization
- 관리자 2017.06.02