- [논문] Health Status of the Residents in Occidental Mindoro, Philippines: A Way to Make a Healthy Community
- 저자 : 김판석(교수) 출간연도 : 2015 제목 : Health Status of the Residents in Occidental Mindoro, Philippines: A Way to Make a Healthy Community 학술지명(상세정보) : Osong Public Health Res Perspect, 6(1): 20-26 초록 : Objectives: Even though Philippines is widely known as exporters of health workers in the world, the Occidental Mindoro province suffers from a lack of health workers compared with the total population of each municipality. The aim of this study was to observe, identify, and understand the persisting health status, knowledge, and practices among the three selected communities in Occidental Mindoro, Philippines. Methods: The study applied a survey using basic questions with three key topics, with relevance to the health condition of the villagers, such as demographics (social capital and regional characteristics), lifestyle (healthy living, and healthy lifestyle and behavior), and status or position in the society (general demographics, and personal behavior and attitudes), with a random sample of 256 adult respondents. Results: Only about 54.3% rated themselves as fair/moderately healthy, and a total of 17.2% suffered from chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, cancers, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and cardiovascular disease, while 9% have been diagnosed with tuberculosis in the past 6 months. Respondents mostly have low income and low education. Conclusion: The majority of the respondents have only primary and secondary education, and a very low average income; these suggest that respondents were afflicted with poverty and low educational attainment. Respondents who are deprived of their rights to obtain a higher education also have a higher chance of having less knowledge on their well-being. Health programs do not guarantee a healthy individual and a healthy society, but a combination of health programs and socioeconomic support can help in creating a healthy community. Keywords: health status, healthy community, healthy lifestyle, personal behavior, Philippines, Occidental Mindoro
- 관리자 2017.06.02
- [논문] Failure and success in South Korea and Taiwan: Making policy for foreign workers and state–business relations in East Asian developmental states
- 저자 : 김판석(교수) 출간연도 : 2015 제목 : Failure and success in South Korea and Taiwan: making policy for foreign workers and state–business relations in East Asian developmental states 학술지명(상세정보) : Philippine Political Science Journal, 36(1): 19-34 초록 : The purpose of this research is to explore state–business relations (SBRs) that have been established in the East Asian developmental states and assess how they have affected developments of foreign worker policies in Taiwan and South Korea. Based on regulation theory focusing on capture theory, this article regards foreign labour regulations as one of the institutional consequences of the developmental state, which emerged as an institutional structure in the East Asian states. The authors conducted qualitative analysis of public commentaries and government documents, and the findings reveal that while the regulation of foreign labour was generally marked by strong exclusionary practices in the East Asian developmental states due to their economic purpose characteristics, business-dominated SBRs in South Korea created a harsher institutional environment for foreign workers and less satisfactory policy outcomes than the state-dominated SBRs in Taiwan. Keywords: state–business relations; regulation; foreign worker; East Asian developmental state; policy-making process; guest worker programme
- 관리자 2017.06.01
- [논문] 케냐 Bunyala 서브 카운티 주민의 빈곤과 역량개발에 대한 연구 (A Study on the Poverty and Capacity Building in Bunyala Sub County in Kenya)
- 저자 : 정소윤(박사), 한상일(교수) 출간연도 : 2015 제목 : 케냐 Bunyala 서브 카운티 주민의 빈곤과 역량개발에 대한 연구 학술지명(상세정보) : 아프리카연구, 38: 101-136 초록 : 이 연구의 목적은 서부케냐 빅토리아 호수 인근 지역인 Bunyala 서브카운티에서 조사한 결과를 바탕으로 아프리카 지역 주민의 사회경제적 특성, 역량개발 프로그램에 대한 참여, 총수입, 전체 소득 가운데 식료품에 지출한비율 등의 관계에 대한 이해를 돕는데 있다. 이 연구의 결과에 따르면 교육수준, 연령, 가구규모 등의 변수가 총소득 및 전체소득 가운데 식품구매에 지출한 비중에 통계학적으로 유의미한 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났으며, 역량개발 프로그램 참여여부도 종속변수에 중요한 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 마케팅 역량개발 프로그램이 가장 큰 효과가 있었다. 이러한 연구 결과를 토대로 다음과 같은 중요한 함의를 발견할 수 있었다. 보편적 교육체계를 개편하여 보다 많은 주민들이 교육을 받을 수 있도록 하는 것이 중요하며 가족구성원의 수를 줄이는 것이 Bunyala 서브카운티 지역의 빈곤퇴치에 중요한 효과가 있다. 나아가서 지역사회 맞춤형 교육체계를 설계함으로써 주민들이 실제로 필요한 역량을 배양할 수 있도록 유도할 필요가 있다. 그리고 합리적인 인구 및 이주정책을 통해 해당 지역의 인구규모를 적정수준으로 유지함과 동시에 빅토리아 호수 인근지역에서 주로 발생하는 홍수와 가뭄의 피해를 최소화할 수 있는 방재대책이 필요할 것이다. Key words : 부냘라 서브카운티, 케냐, 빈곤, 역량개발, 소득
- 관리자 2017.06.01
- [논문] The Role of Local Government in Sustainable Community Development Lessons from Seongnam, South Korea
- 저자 : 한상일(교수), 이보경(석사과정 3학기), 정소윤(박사) 출간연도 : 2015 제목 : The Role of Local Government in Sustainable Community Development Lessons from Seongnam, South Korea 학술지명(상세정보) : 지역사회학회, 16(2): 69-94 초록 : This article demonstrates the growing role of the local government in promoting community sustainability in Seongnam, South Korea. In particular, specific attention is paid to the creating, supporting and partnering role of the Seongnam city government. This form of inter-sector collaboration is a new phenomenon in South Korea where community development has traditionally been approached from a self-help or government-directed perspective rather than through collaboration with the local government. This article presents four types of sustainability and three types of local government roles to provide an insight into the nature and importance of the public sector in community development. The case study examines the role of the Seongnam city government in the development of social enterprises and the sustainability of local communities. This article concludes by arguing that more effort is needed to incorporate residents’ new demands, including the needs for safe food, parent-based child care, and safe neighborhoods, into local governance, and to build institutions that allow community development organizations to engage directly with the local government while still preserving their independence from the government. Key words: Local government, Community Development, Social Economy, Sustainability, Seongnam
- 관리자 2017.06.01
- [논문] Organizational Capacity, Community Asset Mobilization, and Performance of Korean Social Enterprises
- 저자 : 한상일(교수), 정소윤(박사) 출간연도 : 2015 제목 : Organizational Capacity, Community Asset Mobilization, and Performance of Korean Social Enterprises 학술지명(상세정보) : The Korean Journal of Policy Studies, 30(2): 69-91 초록 : This paper develops an integrative analysis framework for assessing the performance of social enterprises in Korea in the context of combined organizational and environmental factors that provide positive feedback. We surveyed 120 social enterprises in Korea and analyzed the relationships between organizational capacity, community asset mobilization, and performance of those social enterprises. The analysis showed that organizational capacity and community asset mobilization influenced performance in different ways. In addition, management capacity emerged as the most important mediating variable of the organizational capacities, and the mobilization of the community assets of social enterprises contributed to improving their social performance. Finally, strategic leadership contributed to mobilizing the community assets of social enterprises. However, community asset mobilization had negative effects on economic performance. Important lessons for policy makers and future research directions are drawn from these results. Keywords: social enterprise, organizational capacity, community asset mobilization, performance
- 관리자 2017.06.01
- [논문] Organizational Capacity and Performance of Ethiopian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
- 저자 : 한상일(교수) 출간연도 : 2015 제목 : Organizational Capacity and Performance of Ethiopian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises 학술지명(상세정보) : 한국아프리카학회지, 45: 171-194 초록 : Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) outnumber large companies worldwide by a wide margin, employ many more people and drive innovation and competition in many economic sectors. The move toward promoting more SMEs is often associated with their ability to lead socio-economic development through economic innovation and social impacts, thus creating more jobs for the vulnerable. In Ethiopia, the recent growth in SMEs has proven to be an innovative way to challenge high urban unemployment by advocating more entrepreneurship. However, many studies concentrate on the SMEs’ role of job creation rather than their organizational capacity and performance which leads to their sustainability and survival. In this paper, we empirically analyze the impact of organization capacity and management system of SMEs on their economic performance, using mean comparison followed by a regression analysis. Specifically, we identify which element of organizational capacity has the most significant impact on SME economic performance. Therefore, the paper presents a theoretical argument that supports the importance of SMEs in a local economy, their organizational capacity and their performance and shows the statistical results of the mean comparison and linear regression analysis. Finally, a discussion of the results and conclusion are presented with final remarks. Key words: Ethiopia, small and medium-sized enterprise, organizational capacity, performance, innovation
- 관리자 2017.06.01
- [논문] Fragile States in Sub-Saharan Africa: Exploring Some Determinants of State Fragility
- 저자 : 박태인(박사과정 5학기), 김판석(교수) 출간연도 : 2015 제목 : Fragile States in Sub-Saharan Africa: Exploring Some Determinants of State Fragility 학술지명(상세정보) : 한국아프리카학회지, 45: 107-138 초록 : While some countries are making progress toward achieving their development goals, a number of low-income countries are falling behind with deteriorating governance environments and situations of prolonged crisis or impasse. Consequently, the concept of state fragility has gained currency in international development and economic growth discourse. This paper aims to examine the recent status of fragile states in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and explore some empirical determinants of state fragility in the SSA region. More specifically, this paper examines the effects of natural resources, foreign aid, and corruption on state fragility among a large number of potential determinants in the African context. The issue of state fragility has been discussed by many Western donors and international organizations, while East Asian countries and their international development agencies have not paid much attention to this issue. Thus, this paper suggests that the East Asian countries including South Korea need to consider the problem of fragile states in their mid-term and long-term policy goals on international development and technical assistance, particularly for the SSA region. Key Words: fragile states, state fragility, Sub-Saharan Africa, determinants, natural resources, foreign aid, corruption
- 관리자 2017.06.01
- [논문] 탄자니아 공동체의 참여와 사회자본에 대한 실증 분석: 리아뭉구(Lyamungu) 농촌지역의 내생적 발전 맥락에서 (Empirical Analysis on Participation and Social Capital in Community of Tanzania: On Context with Endogenous Development at the Lyamungu district
- 저자 : 한상일(교수) 출간연도 : 2015 제목 : 탄자니아 공동체의 참여와 사회자본에 대한 실증 분석: 리아뭉구(Lyamungu) 농촌지역의 내생적 발전 맥락에서 학술지명(상세정보) : 현대사회와 행정, 25(2): 151-181 초록 : 본 연구는 글로벌 시장경제체제로 전환한 탄자니아 리아뭉구 농촌지역을 대상으로 공동체의 활동과 모임에 참여하도록 영향을 주는 사회자본의 효과를 실증 분석하였다. 로지스틱 회귀분석 결과, 지역공동체 내에서 이루어지고 있는 다양한 활동과 모임들 중 각각 다른 네 가지 유형의 활동 모임에 참여하도록 유의미한 영향을 주는 사회자본 변수는 각기 다르다. 이웃친목모임의 경우 개인의 친밀감을 기반으로 하는 내부적 사회자본이고, 농민회모임의 경우 좀더 상대적으로 공식적인 활동인 외부적 사회자본이며, 가장 제도적이고 공식적인 활동인 지역정당의 경우 외부적 사회자본이고, 반면에 취미활동모임의 경우 개인적인 취향과 인적 네트워크에 의해서 내부적 사회자본과 외부적 사회자본이다. 시사점으로는 첫째, 지역발전을 위한 주민 참여의 증진과 활성화에 대한 이해가 필요하다. 둘째, 친밀감을 기반으로 하는 내부적 사회자본을 활용한 공동체 조직 활동의 가입 확대와 활성화가 필요하다. 셋째, 개인적 친밀감과 신뢰를 넘어서서 공식적이고 제도적인 활동에 대한 사회 규범과 신뢰, 협력, 네트워크 등의 외부적 사회자본의 확충이 필요하다. 넷째, 현재 리아뭉구 지역의 사회자본은 사회적 활동과 참여의 활성화를 촉진하기에 역부족인 상황이기 때문에 사회적 자본의 역할을 충분히 강화시킬 수 있는 지원이 필요하다. 다섯째, 새마을 정신처럼 지역네트워크 활성화를 위하여 시장경제체제에 적합한 농촌지역 개발 프로그램을 중심으로 지역주민의 공동체 정신을 제공하는 제도적 시스템의 구축이 필요하다. Key words : 탄자니아, 농촌지역, 사회자본, 공동체 참여, 내생적 발전, 로지스틱 회귀분석
- 관리자 2017.06.01
- [논문] 시장(市長)의 연임에 영향을 미치는 재정회계성과의 탐색: 2014 지방선거와 지방재정분석 결과의 분석
- 저자 : 배득종(교수) 출간연도 : 2015 제목 : 시장(市長)의 연임에 영향을 미치는 재정회계성과의 탐색: 2014 지방선거와 지방재정분석 결과의 분석 학술지명(상세정보) : 지방행정연구, 29(2): 243-266 초록 : 선출직 공무원의 재임기간 중 성과는 그의 재선목표와 관련이 없을 수 없다. 그렇다면 시장의 여러 성과들 중 재정회계 성과도 그의 연임과 관련이 있지 않겠는가? 본 연구는 기존의 여러 이론들 중 실적보상모형을 중심으로 재정성과와 선거의 현직효과간의 관계를 분석하였다. 재정성과의 대변수(proxy)로 지방재정분석제도가 매년 자치단체별로 생성하여 발표하는 40개의 재정회계지표를 사용하여, 2014년 6.4 지방선거 결과를 분석하였다. 그 결과, 40개의 지표들 중 오직 9개의 지표만 시장의 연임과 유의미한 관계가 있음을 발견하였다. 나머지 31개의 지표들은 시장의 연임과 유의미한 관계가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 이 결과는 실적보상모형을 한정적으로 지지하는 것이다. 선거는 복합적인 요인들에 대한 사실(fact)과 인식(perception), 그리고 경쟁상황이 착종(錯綜)한 결과인데도, 본 연구는 객관적인 재정지표값에 대한 분석만으로 다음과 같은 발견을 할 수 있었다. 2014년 선거에서는 1)재정건전성을 중시하는 자치단체 시장의 연임성공 승산이 더 높았다. 그러나 동시에, 2)건전성을 다소 훼손하더라도 지역경제에 지출을 많이 하는 단체장과 3)선거 직전 연도에 지방의회경비와 행정운영경비를 증가시키는 자치단체장도 연임에 성공할 가능성이 높게 나타났다. Key Words: 현직효과, 지방선거, 재정회계성과, 실적보상모형
- 관리자 2017.06.01
- [논문] Promoting Decentralization and Local Governance toward Democratic Local Self-Government in India
- 저자 : 김판석(교수) 출간연도 : 2015 제목 : Promoting Decentralization and Local Governance toward Democratic Local Self-Government in India 학술지명(상세정보) : 아시아연구, 18(2): 1-32 초록 : India has unique self-government systems (panchayat and panchayati raj institutions) in rural India and such practices could provide interesting policy implications for non-Indian societies. The post-colonial experience of the working of the decentralized panchayats (village self-government), till the constitution was amended in 1992, had been a mixture of enthusiasm, disenchantment and despair. The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act of 1992 contains provision for devolution of powers and responsibilities to the panchayats. It was hoped that this amendment would give it a fresh, new lease of life. Incidentally, it coincided with the introduction of neo-liberal reforms in the 1990s and the onset of a new wave of decentralization in the post-colonial developing country. The experience of the implementation, however, indicated that there were still problems. The key purpose of this paper is to examine India’s unique local self-government institutions (panchayat and panchayati raj institutions) because these institutions could 2 Promoting Decentralization and Local Governance toward Democratic Local Self-Government in India provide useful policy implications for decentralization of other parts of the world including South Korea. Key Words: Decentralization, Local governance, Local self-government, Panchayat, Panchayati raj, India
- 관리자 2017.06.01